Bill Stewart and Gerald Rosen – Birds of a Feather in the New Mexican?

Interesting how the Santa Fe New Mexican is happy to publish articles that highlight negative and struggling aspects of Israel or its politics or leaders (see, for example, the past two weeks including here, here, here, and here), but doesn’t seem to cover positive […]

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The Confusion over Jerusalem in the Media; the role of the Ambassador-Designate, David Friedman

1.  The US Embassy in Jerusalem Should we move the US Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv?  Every presidential candidate since Bill Clinton (except for Hillary Clinton this year) has claimed (s)he would do it unilaterally, unrelated to any particular peace […]

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Action Alert: Write to New Mexican about Gideon Levy’s half-truths. Yasher Koach to Steven Goldstein…

What are the most effective propaganda techniques?  The American Historical Association states: The propagandist tries to stimulate others to accept without challenge his own assertions, or to act as he wants them to do. The idea of using suggestion or stimulation […]

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